
Globalization issues

Recently, an H&M store finally opened their branch in Israel. The temptation to buy there is too strong. The prices are cheap and the design is trendy and flattering.
Top-shop, Zara, H&M, Aldo, the big chain stores are taking over the world. So many people buy there that it's a sure thing that two fashionistas in the opposite sides of the world are wearing the exact same outfit at the exact same moment.

I just called, to tell you what I'm wearing...
It seems to me, that in the near future, in order to coordinate our outfits with our friends, clothes manufacturers will place tiny chips in our garments that will send signals to our mobile devices. This way, walking by a beautifully dressed woman, I will know exactly what she is wearing, how much it costs and from which season it is. I will no longer have to call my friend to check that we are not wearing the same dress, I will simply look at the map on my cell phone and see all the women wearing  that dress near me.

Sounds futuristic huh? Actually, the technology has been here for a few years now and it's called  "Radio-frequency identification (RFID) ".This technology works with a reader and a tag that contains the data to be read.  It is used in many fields such as electronic chips for pets, stickers for traveling luggage etc., etc...
RFID readers are already integrated in some Nokia cell phones and all we need now is for the manufacturers to put those tiny chips in our clothes.

The big brother
There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages about this technology but I think there is no way to avoid it....Soon everything will be tagged and privacy issues will be worse then ever, but that's for another post :).

Tell me what you think if you do come this far!

Globalization Topshop look:

I am wearing : Cardigan - Zara, Dress - POGO, Sandals - Shoola.


  1. interesting post. i already see people pocking their cells at others just to know what they are wearing.

  2. That idea of the chip is kind of freaky! I think it is a little intimidating, right? You look great in your outfit!

    B* a la Moda

  3. Anonymous and B a la Moda, Thank you!
    Funny to think about a black market of fake tags that you can put on your clothes so people will think your old jeans are gucci :))

  4. What a nice and interesting post!!!! I loved this photo shoot! You look so pretty in this outfit!!!

  5. חחחח, הרעיון שלך על הצ'יפים גאוני, זה בהחלט היה חוסך לי ולחברות שלי הרבה תאונות בעבר כשהיינו באות לבי"ס לבושות אותו הדבר וכולם היו שואלים אם התאמנו בכוונה!
    ובנוגע לאוטפיט, את נראית מעולה, אהבתי!
    אני רואה שגם את , כמוני בלוגרית מתחילה, אשמח אם תקפצי לבקר גם בבלוג שלי, נשיקות יוליה!

  6. agazapada - Thank you!! I do love this outfit.

    יוליה - תודה רבה!! אצלנו בחבר'ה עדיין קורות פאדיחות, ככה זה כשעושים שופינג בחבורה :)).

  7. Really cute outfit. I love the cardi.

    I would be pretty dead set against any kind of RFID - I don't see how it could be used for any good reason that extends beyond novelty amongst common folk. However, I can easily see the negative in the way that it so easily can infringe upon our privacy as it would enable the powers that be to have more insight into our every-day activities than ever. Not into it!

  8. איזה יופי של תצלומים! פשוט מקסים, את נראית נהדר!


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